The Fastest growing Competitive Hockey Club in Canada.

Keep your head up. We're here.

First of all

Competitive Youth Hockey

La Ligga Selects is a competitive spring and summer hockey club for kids looking to take their skills to the next level. Our experienced coaches and talented roster will help your child reach their full potential.

Not to mention

Experienced Coaches

Our team of experienced coaches have a passion for hockey and a dedication to helping young athletes succeed. With personalized training and support, your child will thrive on and off the ice.

person wearing black cap standing in jungle
person wearing black cap standing in jungle

And let's not forget

Talented Roster

Our talented roster of young athletes are dedicated to the game of hockey and pushing themselves to be the best. Join our team and be a part of a community of driven and passionate players.

About us

La Ligga Selects is a new spring and summer competitive hockey club dedicated to helping young athletes reach their full potential. With experienced coaches and a talented roster, we are committed to creating a community of passionate players who love the game of hockey.

Get in touch